ApplicationsApplications that show your city from satellite

Applications that show your city from satellite

Modern technology has made it possible to explore the world in ways unimaginable just a few decades ago. A fascinating example of this is the ability to view Earth from space using satellite images. Thanks to a variety of apps available for download, it's now possible to explore your own city and the entire world from a completely new perspective. Below we have highlighted some of these apps that offer this satellite viewing functionality.

Google Earth

O Google Earth is probably the best known and most popular application for exploring the Earth through satellite images. Developed by tech giant Google, this app allows users to view virtually any place in the world in incredible detail. In addition to satellite images, Google Earth offers features such as Street View, which allows you to explore streets in 360 degrees, and guided tours of famous places.


Available for free download on iOS and Android devices, Google Earth is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to explore the planet from a unique perspective.

NASA Worldview

If you are interested in near real-time satellite views, the NASA Worldview is the ideal application. Developed by NASA, this app offers access to a vast collection of satellite images that are updated regularly. With NASA Worldview, users can explore weather events, environmental changes, and natural phenomena around the world.

Available for free download, NASA Worldview is a valuable tool for those interested in monitoring planet Earth and its dynamic changes over time.


Apple Maps

You Apple Maps offer not only directions and navigation, but also a detailed view of the Earth through satellite images. While it's best known for its directions functionality, Apple Maps also lets users explore the world with high-resolution images captured by satellites.


Available for iOS devices, Apple's Maps app offers a compelling, intuitive viewing experience for users who want to explore their city and beyond.


O OpenStreetMap is a collaborative project that aims to create a free, editable map of the entire world. While not specifically focused on satellite imagery, OpenStreetMap allows users to view the Earth in a variety of ways, including a satellite layer. Additionally, as an open source map, OpenStreetMap allows users to contribute their own edits and improvements.

The OpenStreetMap app is available for free download on iOS and Android devices, offering an interesting alternative for those seeking a more collaborative approach to visualizing the world.

These are just a few examples of the many applications available that allow users to explore the Earth through satellite images. Whether for educational purposes, travel planning, or simply out of curiosity, these apps offer a fascinating way to see the world from a different perspective. So, download one of these apps and start exploring your city and the world beyond!
